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Distributed Power, Renewables and Synchronous Inverters

May 6, 2021
Go Electric outlines the functionality, applications, and benefits of their Blinkless Synchronous Inverter System.

Renewable energy sources typically produce less power in a more uncontrolled fashion when compared with other non-hydrocarbon based energy sources, such as nuclear. But the smaller power outputs and lower costs of renewables present advantages for distributed power generation systems, especially when a battery is a part of the system. Reduced loads, optimized renewable energy usage and significant reductions in energy loss to power transmission lines are just a few of those benefits.

Renewable energy, such as wind and solar, typically run without voltage or frequency control. This means renewables-based distributed power systems require power electronics like an inverter to correct frequency, voltage and phase angle in order for them to interface with the grid. The inverter converts the system’s DC power to the AC power that the grid requires.

This paper outlines the functionality, applications and benefits of Go Electric’s Blinkless® Synchronous Inverter System. Blinkless® operates in two modes: grid parallel and grid isolated, automatically selecting the appropriate state.