Remote generation powers sites around the world, but many of these sites are not optimized for generator efficiency or fuel savings. One way to do this is to maximize the efficiency of electrical energy generation. Time shifting can also be employed to reduce the amount of fuel needed to produce electrical energy. Both of these can be achieved with microgrids.
This case study illustrates how generators at remote sites can be optimized using Go Electric’s GEM/ISM microgrid system. Go Electric created a 1-MW remote site model with three 350-kW generators, and it ran simulations both with and without its microgrid system. Go Electric looked at fuel burn versus load, fuel burn rates, average internal combustion engine efficiencies, the role of renewables and more.
Go Electric concluded that its microgrid system led to a 27% increase in energy efficiency and decreased the amount of diesel fuel consumed annually by 396,000 liters.