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7 Strategies to Make Microgrids a Fit for Utility Grid Modernization

Feb. 7, 2023
In 2022, Enchanted Rock and Microgrid Knowledge conducted a survey of leaders at large U.S. electric utilities. The goal was to understand their actions and attitudes around microgrid development. While the survey revealed that most executives believe their utilities have a large role when it comes to microgrids, it also exposed a number of deterrents preventing these companies from playing their part.

This special report shares the results of the survey, outlining the seven factors utility leaders say discourage their organizations from incorporating microgrids into their operational road map.

Enchanted Rock explains how these deterrents can result in missed opportunities to serve customers seeking 100% electric reliability and increased operational resilience. To overcome these hurdles, the special report shows how microgrid technology can benefit utilities, their customers and the grid.

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