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The Case for Microgrids at Water and Wastewater Facilities

Nov. 14, 2022
Water and wastewater utilities around the world account for almost 2% of greenhouse gas emissions — similar to the impact of the global shipping industry. That figure is set to double in 2040 as demand for the ever-scarce resource continues to grow.

Clean water is essential to modern society. Today, the utilities that pump, treat and distribute water are grappling with extreme weather events, an aging electric infrastructure and increased security concerns – all of which can cause disruptions to their operations. Increasingly, water utilities are turning to microgrids to address these challenges.

In this white paper, you’ll learn how microgrids can help water and wastewater treatment plants improve their electric reliability, lower their energy costs and achieve sustainability goals.

The paper explains how microgrids differ from diesel-powered generators and why they are becoming popular solutions for water utilities. The paper also explores microgrid financing options, interconnection with the local electric utility and how to build a microgrid with future expansion in mind.

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