Everyone is talking about microgrids, but why is this such a hot topic now? Enterprises of all sizes and shapes are seeking to meet both their need for reliability and energy sustainability. The heart of a microgrid is often centered around the microgrid controller, but the answer is complex. Selecting and sizing the renewable resource, determining the charge and discharge requirements for battery energy storage systems, and interface requirements for islanding of the resource in the event of a grid failure are but some of the aspects that must be considered.
Lifecycle management of the asset and its operation must take into consideration not only the maintenance and support to ensure successful operation. There are many firms that offer pieces of the solution, but the ability to work with and rely on the turnkey provider is a viable way to approach this solution, particularly as the microgrid asset may be called upon to provide its resources to the business at a moment’s notice and to operate reliability during potentially harsh conditions.
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