Energy Efficiency Markets Launches Microgrid Knowledge Newsletter

May 15, 2014
Microgrid Knowledge is a new, free weekly newsletter about the growing microgrid industry. It was launched May 15 by It’s for those in the microgrid business, as well as regulators, policymakers, investors, utilities and others who are interested in the microgrid opportunity.

Microgrids are coming, and we believe they will reshape the US grid and electric markets.

So, today we are launching Microgrid Knowledge, a new weekly newsletter that will follow the microgrid industry as it emerges, grows and prospers.

It’s an exciting story, one that we’re eager to tell, and in fact have been telling for several months on

We’ve appreciated your interest in our microgrid stories – and we were not surprised by it. Microgrids offer many benefits, not the least of which is increased energy efficiency. Microgrids place load near generation, so save energy by reducing electricity line loss. Microgrids also often employ combined heat power, advanced controls and storage technologies, real-time pricing, and other methods for wise management of energy.

Who should read Microgrid Knowledge? This weekly publication is for you, if you’re in the microgrid business or work in related government policy, regulation and consulting. Microgrid Knowledge also is geared for those seeking new opportunity from microgrids: investors, utilities, energy suppliers, independent power producers, renewable energy developers and transmission companies — or anyone who will be influenced by what Navigant expects to be a $40 billion industry by 2020.

How can you subscribe to Microgrid Knowledge? If you already subscribe to Energy Efficiency Markets Newsletter, you’re all set.  You’ll automatically receive Microgrid Knowledge on Thursdays and continue to receive Energy Efficiency Markets Newsletter on Monday.

If you’re not a subscriber yet, we urge you to sign up today. It’s free!

The microgrid story is evolving quickly. Keep up by subscribing today to Microgrid Knowledge. Also, please take a look, here, at our new, free report, “Think Microgrid: A Discussion Guide for Policymakers, Regulators and End Users.”

About the Author

Kevin Normandeau | Publisher

Kevin is a veteran of the publishing industry having worked for brands like PC World, AOL, Network World, Data Center Knowledge and other business to business sites. He focuses on industry trends in the energy efficiency industry.