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Preparing the Next Generation: Microgrids as an Energy and Educational Resource for Universities

June 4, 2020
Review examples of how university microgrids are utilized as an energy and educational resource for today’s universities, as well as preparing the next generation for the future of energy and climate change. 

Review examples of how university microgrids are utilized as an energy and educational resource for today’s universities, as well as preparing the next generation for the future of energy and climate change.

Preparing the Next Generation: Microgrids as an Energy and Educational Resource for Universities

Moderator: Bill Kipnis (Siemens Building Performance & Sustainability Division), senior business development manager

Patrick Lee (PXiSE Energy Solutions) president and David Liebman (Sonoma County Junior College District) energy and sustainability manager: Ensuring the Educational Mission in a Wildfire Zone
William Byun (University of California, San Marcos) professor of finance and  James Bennett (Scylla Microgrid) president: How to Mobilize Students for University Microgrid Development
Kyle Gandy (DCO Energy) department manager, electrical: Montclair State CHP/Microgrid – Concept to Reality