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Hospitals Need Microgrids, Not Just Backup Generators

Jan. 2, 2023
Hospitals need a microgrid to ensure they have reliable backup power in a time of crisis. Microgrids can power a hospital for weeks or months at a time.

Hospitals are one of the largest consumers of commercial energy in the US, and they have a critical need for reliable, resilient and robust power. Diagnostics equipment, lifesaving medical devices and thousands of employees demand power to provide care to the hospital’s patients. Traditionally, emergency generators have been the source of power in a time of crisis. But they aren’t meant to run for long periods of time. To be fully prepared for a crisis of any duration, a hospital needs a microgrid.

A microgrid provides hospitals with energy security because it can fully power the facility for weeks or months at a time. Microgrids can also create a new monetary stream outside of crisis events, as hospitals can sell excess energy from the system to the grid.

In this white paper, Mesa Solutions describes why hospitals must have reliable energy and how microgrids can be a critical part of a hospital’s energy infrastructure. It presents information on the Mesa PowerCore, a natural gas-fueled generator designed to work within a microgrid.