Community MicrogridsCover

Protecting Communities & Vital Services with Smart Microgrids

June 4, 2020
Explore how community microgrids can protect neighborhoods and vital services with leaders from Schneider Electric, Siemens, Compass Energy, and ABB Power Grids. 

Explore how a community microgrid can protect a neighborhood and vital services with energy leaders from Schneider, Siemens and more.

Protecting Communities & Vital Services with Smart Microgrids

Moderator: Clark Wiedetz (Schneider Electric) VP marketing, energy-as-a-service

Arnela Smajlovic (Siemens Digital Grid) product manager of microgrid energy, management systems: How a Smart Microgrid Controller Quietly Averted a Big Problem for Blue Lake Rancheria during COVID-19
Rick Bolton (Compass Energy) CEO: Enhancing Community Resilience witih Microgrid-based Fleet Charging for Transit Authorities and Municipalities
Nathan Adams (ABB Power Grids) general manager, North American Microgrids