Utilities and regulators are working to transition our electricity grid into one that is dynamic, resilient and able to take advantage of multiple distributed energy resources (DER) including electric vehicles, solar, wind, and battery energy. Microgrid controllers can help utilities to mange the challenges they face during this transition both at a lower cost and with less disruption to operations than they may expect.
This white paper explores six ways in which microgrid controllers can solve common challenges that the modern grid faces. They improve speed, accuracy, and efficiency for utilities, and allow grid operators to reshape a load profile. They also stabilize intermittencies by keeping grid nodes in balance, reduce emissions, improve resiliency, and promote regulatory support.
The paper outlines the challenges the power authority was facing on the island of Guam, and how microgrid controllers resolved their issues. The paper also outlines considerations for adopting microgrid controllers as a DER control strategy.