Microgrids are growing more flexible and scalable as digital control platforms become more sophisticated. The advancing technologies make it easier for utilities to use microgrids to integrate more diverse distributed energy resources (DER) into their grid networks. Microgrids also work well with distributed energy resources management systems (DERMS). DERMS typically focus on front of the meter (FTM) optimization and provide network wide DER control that maintains stability for the utility.
A new white paper from PXiSE Energy Solutions explores how microgrids can help utilities leverage diverse DER to better serve their customers and reposition themselves in the energy supply value chain.
The paper presents two case studies of utilities that have changed their business model to benefit both the company and its customers. Portland General Electric is presented as a behind-the-meter microgrid example, and San Diego Gas & Electric is a front-of-the-meter microgrid example. It also presents five steps for preparing your utility for the energy cloud future.