IDEA2015 to Focus on Microgrids, District Energy and CHP in Cities

April 28, 2015
IDEA2015, the International District Energy Association’s 106th annual conference and trade show, will bring global energy leaders to Boston in June to discuss the growing use by cities of microgrids, district energy and combined heat and power.

IDEA2015, the International District Energy Association’s 106th annual conference and trade show, will bring global energy leaders to Boston in June to discuss the growing use by cities of microgrids, district energy and combined heat and power.

The international forum, to be held June 28-July 1, will explore best practices developing, owning and operating community energy. The event will draw upon the Boston area’s rich portfolio of  distributed energy projects at campuses, pharmaceutical and biomedical facilities, and medical institutions.

The six-day event will include tours of facilities that employ distributed energy, as well workshops and sessions led by respected industry leaders and policymakers. The program includes several networking opportunities.

Participants will have the choice of more than 50 panel discussions led by U.S. and international energy experts.

IDEA2015 will focus on vibrant markets for district energy, CHP and microgrids, financing and incentives, best practices, market transformation, project design, policy, community energy planning, resiliency, energy storage, workforce development and recruitment, urban and industrial projects and a range of other distributed energy topics.

Attendees also will have an opportunity to learn about how district energy, CHP and microgrids can help communities achieve carbon reductions under the U.S. Clean Power Plan. The conference is timely in that the Environmental Protection Agency is expected to release the plan’s final rule this summer.

In addition, all-day workshops will be held on:

  • Sustainable, Resilient Microgrids & the Town-Gown Relationship — colleges and universities will have the opportunity to learn how their microgrids can help support local economic, environmental and resiliency efforts.
  • District Energy /CHP: Community Energy Policies for Deployment – International Energy Agency (IEA) Structured for Success
  • Special Workshop for Urban Sustainability Directors Network (USDN by invitation only)

Most IDEA2015 events will be held at the John P. Hynes Convention Center in Boston. Program details and registration information are available here.

More details about the conference, including tours, speakers and sessions will be posted in the upcoming weeks on Check back.

About the Author

Kevin Normandeau | Publisher

Kevin is a veteran of the publishing industry having worked for brands like PC World, AOL, Network World, Data Center Knowledge and other business to business sites. He focuses on industry trends in the energy efficiency industry.

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