As electric power systems diversify and rely more heavily on renewable sources, energy storage and microgrids, the grid will become more highly distributed, dynamic and resilient. It will also become significantly more complex, and utilities need to prepare for the growing challenges that will be involved in maintaining day-to-day reliability. Utilities will need reliable tools, such as artificial intelligence (AI), to proactively and automatically control the grid in a targeted manner.
A new white paper from Veritone describes how utilities can leverage artificial intelligence to dynamically manage complex grids. The paper discusses the use of AI in advanced distribution management systems (ADMS), how AI can provide grid resilience in real time, and how AI can be used for predictive device learning and control. It also explores how AI for grid intelligence is a flexible and scalable way to reduce carbon emissions and increase resilience to the impacts of climate change. These key benefits are helping utilities overcome some regulatory barriers.
The white paper also explains how using AI for dynamic grid modeling can allow utilities to be more strategic around when, where and how they add DERs and design demand response programs.