Wisconsin’s Focus on Energy program is seeking pulp and paper mill energy efficiency proposals for large projects that need financial support.
Projects must be scheduled to be completed in 2015.
Mills can propose an incentive that exceeds available custom or prescriptive incentives. This offer is available once a year.
A single project can receive up to $400,000, and participants can exceed their annual $500,000 incentive cap. Focus on Energy will pay up to 60 percent of project costs.
Projects will be selected based on need and cost-effectiveness. They must meet minimum annual energy savings threshold of 300,000 kWh or 30,000 therms, and must demonstrate a high level of need for funding.
In scoring bids, Focus on Energy will give up to 60 points for incentive cost ratio – the lower the incentive cost per kWh or per therm the better. Financial need warrants up to 30 points; expected lifetime of project up to 5 points; and likelihood of completion by December 10, 2015 up to 5 points.
Proposals are due August 8. Projects must be completed by December 10, 2015.
For more information call 608-819-9034 or email [email protected]. The RFP is available here.
Separately, Focus on Energy also seeks trade allies for its mass market ‘Express Energy Efficiency Program Subcontractor Direct Install’ program. Conservation Services Group, the program implementer, issued the request for qualifications for independent subcontractors to deliver energy efficiency measures for homeowners.
The RFQ will identify businesses with appropriate licenses, training, insurance, and professional skills required to provide energy efficiency improvement services to participating homeowners within the agreed upon geographic or community limits.
Applications are being accepted on an ongoing basis. The contact is [email protected]. The RFQ is available here.
Founded in 2001, Focus on Energy works with eligible Wisconsin residents and businesses to install energy efficiency and renewable energy. The program is funded by the state’s investor-owned energy utilities, and participating municipal and electric cooperative utilities.