California Energy Commission Seeks LEED Accredited Professional Firm

May 29, 2014
The California Energy Commission seeks a LEED Accredited Professional consulting firm to help make its headquarters an energy efficiency showcase.

The California Energy Commission seeks a LEED Accredited Professional consulting firm to evaluate the commission’s headquarters building located at 1516 Ninth Street, Sacramento, California.

The consulting firm will help the commission develop and implement a LEED Existing Building: Operations and Maintenance plan to achieve a certification level of at least Silver. The commission envisions the transformation of its building from a solid performer into one of the most resource-efficient buildings in California. Commission also wants the building to be a showcase for energy and green innovation.

The deadline for proposals is June 27.

There will be one pre-bid conference; participation in this meeting is optional but encouraged. It will be held at 10 a.m., June 3 in the California Energy Commission Hearing Room A, 1516 9th Street, Sacramento, CA:
The Conference also will be broadcast via WebEx. Go to and enter the meeting number: 920 893 321.The meeting password is welcome@123.

More information is available here.

About the Author

Kevin Normandeau | Publisher

Kevin is a veteran of the publishing industry having worked for brands like PC World, AOL, Network World, Data Center Knowledge and other business to business sites. He focuses on industry trends in the energy efficiency industry.


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