Michigan Utility Seeks Bids in Energy Efficiency RFP

April 28, 2014
Lansing Board of Water & Light issued an energy efficiency RFP for seven residential and business energy efficiency programs in its territory.

Lansing Board of Water & Light has issued an energy efficiency RFP for residential and business programs in its electric service territory. The Michigan utiliity seeks bids for the following energy optimization programs.

  1. Residential Low Income
  2. Residential High Efficiency Products
  3. Residential Appliance Turn in and Recycling
  4. Residential Multifamily In-Unit Efficiency
  5. Commercial & Industrial Prescriptive Incentives
  6. Commercial & Industrial Custom Incentives
  7. Commercial & Industrial Small Business Direct Install

The programs will begin on January 1 and will end on December 31, 2017. BWL will select one or more bidders for a three-year contract. The utilitiy encourages applications from contractors with successful track records in achieving documented energy savings with proven efficiency programs for utility companies. Contractors may submit proposals for one or more of the programs, either independently, or as part of a team.

The utility asks bidders to carefully consider the required performance goals and available budget for each program and to propose what they believe are realistic and achievable services. Each program proposal will be evaluated on its own merit. When applicable, the cash incentives offered to BWL customers should be comparable to those offered by other Michigan electric utilities.

Annual energy savings will be determined by all measures installed during the year. The savings will be determined by multiplying the number of measures installed by the annual energy savings for that measure as provided by the MEMD. This database may be updated from time to time and the programs’ energy savings calculations must also be updated to reflect any changes in the MEMD. The net-to-gross for determining energy savings is assumed to be 1.0.

Proposals are due by June 2, 2014.

More on this energy efficiency request

About the Author

Reid Smith

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