Navigant Research forecasts a $31 billion market for microgrids by 2027. Such growth is no surprise when you consider the pressing energy problems microgrids solve. For high tech economies, microgrids provide the clean, reliable, high quality power they need to stay competitive. For the developing world, microgrids offer first-time access to basic electrical necessities many rural villages lack. Microgrid Knowledge helps you tap into this fast-growing market.
Microgrid Knowledge is designed to help our members with the adoption of microgrid technologies. Microgrid Knowledge members include:
- Microgrid customers including commercial and industrial businesses, utilities, business parks, research facilities, hospitals, academic institutions, governments, communities, hi-rise condos and other large energy customers that seek reliable, clean and efficient energy
- Microgrid developers, operators and vendors
- Utilities, power generation and distribution companies
- Policymakers and regulators who shape the market rules for microgrid adoption
- By partner with Microgrid Knowledge, your business builds awareness and consideration with these key audiences and grows sales as the microgrid market advances worldwide.
Your partnership supports a message that the era of the microgrid has arrived – a message that the industry must convey now, as policymakers and regulators begin to form the rules that will shape the future of microgrids. Debate is underway about grid connection, standby charges, tariffs, net metering, equipment ownership, franchise rights, utility cost recovery, sale of ancillary services, and other issues that will influence how quickly the world adopts microgrids. By partnering Microgrid Knowledge, you lend voice to the debate.
Microgrid Knowledge helps our partners build their brand, generate sales leads and showcase your activities and thought leadership through the following programs
- Online advertising and newsletter sponsorships
- Content marketing including guest articles and participation in strategic content articles
- Prospect education and nurturing programs
- Custom content creation including articles, white papers and reports from Real Energy Writers
- Face to face meetings and speaking opportunities at our annual conference
To find out more, or to receive a copy of the Microgrid Knowledge media kit, email [email protected], (704) 641-2600.