You may have experienced lessons learned while building your microgrid, and there’s more to learn even after your system is online about microgrid care.
If you haven’t identified who’s responsible for troubleshooting issues, then you’re likely the one doing it. This might be all right if you have enough knowledgeable staff to monitor a microgrid’s intricacies. But if you question your team’s ability to handle the workload or a complex system, consider outsourcing the task to ensure you have resources dedicated to your microgrid.
Although microgrids are designed to act automatically and independently, this doesn’t eliminate the need for operations and maintenance. Just as you needed to think through the complexity of creating your microgrid, think through how these complexities carry over to running your microgrid once it’s online.
This handbook from S&C Electric is designed to guide you through the day-to-day operations of your microgrid and think through long-term needs for microgrid care.