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Disaster Planning & Business: How Microgrids Help Commercial & Industrial Operations Improve Customer Service in a Crisis

June 4, 2020
Explore industrial microgrids, and how they can help operations improve customers service in a crisis for commercial and industrial businesses, with experts from Schneider Electric, SourceOne and Enchanted Rock.

Explore industrial microgrids, and how they can help operations improve customers service in a crisis for commercial and industrial businesses.

Moderator: Hanan Fishman (Alencon Systems) President

Allan Schurr (Enchanted Rock) Chief Commercial Officer: The Pressure of the Pandemic on Data Centers and the Role of Microgrids
Mike Byrnes (SourceOne) Chief Operating Officer: Keeping Retail Humming at Brooklyn, NY Shopping Plaza
Gregg Morasca (Schneider Electric): Keeping Banks in Business: The Camuy Co-operative Savings and Loan Microgrid in Puerto Rico