Microgrid Policy

In this collection of videos, you'll learn all about what drives microgrid policy progress and how policy challenges impact the industry as a whole.
Lisa Cohn
Roger Lin (top left), senior attorney for the Center for Biological Diversity, addresses California Energy Commission on Oct. 7. (Source: Lisa Cohn)

Groups Seek to Include Resilience and Other Benefits in California Energy Planning, Giving DERs – Including Microgrids – a Boost

Oct. 16, 2024
Energy resilience, health and economic development are among the non-energy benefits that should be included in California’s resource planning efforts, say groups participating...


Revolutionizing Defense: The Crucial Role of Microgrids and Schneider Electric in Department of Defense Energy Resiliency

Sept. 13, 2024
Last month, the North American Electric Reliability Corporation (NERC) said that U.S. power grids are becoming more susceptible to cyberattacks every day, with vulnerable attack...
Image credit kirillov alexey/Shutterstock.com

CPUC’s Proposed Microgrid Tariff Decision Seen as Another Blow to Meeting California Climate Goals

Sept. 20, 2024
A proposed California Public Utilities Commission (CPUC) decision rejecting community microgrid tariff proposals from nonutility stakeholders would make it difficult to commercialize...
Image credit r.classen/Shutterstock.com

Interconnection Jam: Southwest Power Pool Latest to Sound DER Warning

Aug. 26, 2024
SPP asked for FERC permission to delay its 2024 interconnection queue cluster study progression and to stop accepting new DER project requests until SPP can get its process under...

2-Year-Old IRA Yields 334 New Clean Energy Projects. Will the November Election Keep the Momentum Going?

Aug. 19, 2024
After two years, the Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) has yielded new clean energy projects and investment, including helping boost the cumulative investment in U.S. EVs and batteries...

Think Microgrid Warns DOE’s Zero Emission Building Definition Ignores Microgrids

July 2, 2024
In an open letter to Department of Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm, Think Microgrid, a policy advocacy group for the microgrid industry, said the department’s new zero emissions...
Image credit Mino Surkala/Shutterstock.com

Europa Lag: Why Microgrid Adoption is Slower Across the Pond

June 25, 2024
U.S. microgrid installed capacity has sailed past 10 GW and hundreds of projects, but Europe is not moving forward nearly as fast despite its growing adoption of renewable and...
Image credit CC7/Shutterstock.com

The Grid Needs DERs and Microgrids: Here's What Can Accelerate their Deployment, says Deloitte

June 24, 2024
It could begin with utilities creating integrated DER plans along with stakeholders. States could establish decarbonization targets, and regulators could develop utility incentives...
Coolcaesar courtesy Wikimedia Commons.

California Microgrid, DER Communities Seeking Legislative Reversal of CPUC Net Metering Decision

June 17, 2024
A hearing is scheduled July 1 for California SB 1374, which would help make microgrids and DERs commercially viable by improving the economics of using on-site energy resources...