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Market Survey: Commercial EV Charging

June 28, 2023
Overcoming grid limitations and high costs with microgrids and government funding

While $120 billion in government incentives heralds impressive progress, concerns remain about if, when, and how the United States will manage the transition to EVs, particularly to commercial EVs given the unique complications they present for both fleet owners and the electric grid.

To gain insight into the challenges and potential solutions related to commercial EV charging, Microgrid Knowledge teamed up with Xendee and surveyed leaders involved in the development, operation, and commercial use of EV charging infrastructure.

This survey revealed three overarching themes:

  • Electric grid limitations are the largest roadblock to the development and operation of EV charging infrastructure.
  • Costs remain a significant deterrent, making government incentives essential for the EV charging industry to grow.
  • Microgrids can be a solution for both the cost and electric grid challenges.

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