Industry Perspectives

Ovation™ Green solutions provide a unified view of unfiltered real time operational data accessible from anywhere at any time, enabling quick and confident decision-making to avoid costly problems.

Weathering the Storm

Oct. 2, 2023
Strategies for keeping the lights on amid extreme weather conditions

Propane Is a Sustainable Choice for Growing Microgrid Need

July 2, 2024
Construction professionals rely on propane’s lower emissions and enhanced resiliency
Illustration credit DC Studio for
Shutterstock Grid Interconnection

MGK Editor Take III: What NERC and the Macro Grid Worry Most from Interconnection Risk with Micro Generation

Aug. 25, 2023
“Rapid growth of data centers, crypto mining and emerging green hydrogen" is accelerating load, NERC notes. "Such large loads may also be paired with significant amounts of new...
Mc Kinleyville Community Services District Ca

Community Microgrids: Navigating Roadblocks to Implementation

Aug. 25, 2023
Paul Makris, senior vice president at Ameresco discusses community microgrids and navigating the roadblocks to implementation.
By Julia XOOXOO/

Inside Xcel Energy’s Transportation Electrification Plan

Jan. 18, 2021
The plan is the first full-scale electric vehicle infrastructure program approved in the state, and stakes out Colorado’s place among states leading the charge on electrifying...