Microgrids in an Election Year

Aug. 21, 2021
In this video, Vince Breglio and Andrea Camp present new polling data that shows how voters are thinking about microgrids, grid modernization, distributed renewable energy resources, increased energy efficiency and the use of smart AI technology.

How will the 2020 election shape the future dynamics of the microgrid industry? In this video, Vince Breglio and Andrea Camp present new polling data that shows how voters are thinking about microgrids, grid modernization, distributed renewable energy sources, increased energy efficiency and the use of smart AI technology. Survey data presented in the video includes voter perceptions of how microgrids and grid modernization can fit into a new and positive economic future, infrastructure priorities, and voter reactions to the microgrid concept.

The discussion is moderated by Matt Roberts, Director of Strategic Growth and Development for Microgrid Knowledge.

Featured Speakers:

Vince Breglio, Pollster, Breglio and Associates

Andrea Camp, Senior Project Manager, Civil Society Institute

This video was recorded during Microgrids as a Recovery Tool During Social and Economic Disruption, a three-day virtual conference held in June of 2020. The conference featured opportunities for businesses, institutions, communities, and homeowners to learn how microgrids aid society during periods of disruption – from pandemics to storms to economic downturns. The conference also featured a number of real world examples that showed microgrids in action. Although this was previously recorded, you’ll find many of the examples and insights are timeless in their strategic value.

With more than 50 speakers and 15 different sessions, the event covered three key areas:

  • The Health, Economic and Environmental Influences Giving Rise to Microgrids
  • Who Microgrids Serve: From Business to Education to the Clean Energy Revolution
  • How Microgrids Reduce Costs, Cut Carbon and Ensure Power Supply in Tough Times & Places

Microgrid Knowledge produces the world’s largest microgrid events. Because we’re an independent third party, you can be sure that the information you’ll receive will capture a broad industry perspective. Look for more great premium video content from Microgrid Knowledge, ​​the largest site in the world dedicated to all things microgrid.