Connecticut’s on an energy efficiency roll. The state plans to issue a request for proposals in the next few months to award $10.8 million in funds for energy efficiency projects in multifamily housing.
Governor Dannel Malloy last week signed an executive order creating the program. The money will come from $36.3 million in federal energy conservation funds the state received under the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009. Former Governor M. Jodi Rell had designated $25.5 million of the funds for certain projects, leaving $10.8 million unspent.
“Over the past couple of years, we’ve been making bold, innovative efforts to take advantage of state-of-the-art, energy efficient and clean technologies, and what we’re announcing today is another step towards helping bring cleaner, cheaper and more reliable energy to people’s homes,” Malloy said.
Connecticut last week also issued its second solicitation for microgrids, meant to bring greater efficiency and reliability to its power supply. And the state recently reported that its ongoing energy efficiency efforts saved $53.4 million last year.
Called the Affordable Housing Energy Efficiency Program, the new multi-family housing program will fund energy conservation or renewable energy projects that reduce energy use at least 20 percent.
The Connecticut Housing Finance Authority will issue the RFP. More details about the funding are here. Watch Energy Efficiency Markets’ RFP section for release of the solicitation.